About - Blackburn Images Photography

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My love of photography began when I was a teenager.  During high school, I had the opportunity to study photography for a summer in Europe. I enjoyed the thrill of seeing images come to life in the darkroom tray. Photography took a back seat as I pursued a music degree and spent a few years as a high school band director.

A career change to IT in the late 1980's and starting a family made me put my photography aside. I re-discovered the joy of photography when I bought my first digital camera in the early 2000's. I was amazed that I could now see instant results on the camera's LCD screen. Also be able to sit at a computer and manipulate images without having a darkroom and dealing with smelly chemicals got me jump started in photography again.

In 2003 I purchased my first digital SLR and started shooting events and family portraits. In 2004 I started
Blackburn Images  and presently continue to photograph as a part-time professional while serving in an IT management role for a local healthcare company.

In the years I've spent attempting to find a niche to specialize in, I've come to realize my specialty is not to specialize.

I am based in Brentwood, Tennessee. You can reach me, via email, at paul@blackburnimages.com.

© Paul E Blackburn. All rights reserved

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