2024 Weekly Challange II - Blackburn Images

Blackburn Images Blackburn Images

2024 Weekly Challenge

My entries in SlickPic's 2024 52 Weekly Challenge.  The challenge includes submitting 3 images each week for the specified theme. I'm using this challenge to expand my photography skills and to motivate me to keep shooting throughout the year .  Click on the image to see my 3 entries for the specified week. You can view other photographers entries in SlickPic's challenge by viewing the public weekly challenge gallery

 Week 1 January 1 - 2023 Favorites. Three of my favorite images of those that I took in 2023 

Week 2 January 8 - Intentional Camera Movement (ICM). I intentionally moved the camera during the exposure to achieve an artistic effect.

 Week 3 January 15 -Silhouettes. A silhouette is a solid, dark image of a subject against a brighter background.  The first silhouettes originated in 1850s France as a cheaper alternative to having a portrait painted.

Week 4 January 22 Leading Lines - natural or man-made lines that guide a viewer's eye thru the photograph.

 Week 5 January 29  - Still life. A still life is a collection of inanimate objects arranged as the subject of a composition.

 Week 6 February 5 - One Color. Also known as monochrome or monochromatic.  A monochrome describes an image where everything in the frame appears as shades of a single color.

 Week 7 February 12 - Diagonals.  Incorporating non-vertical and non-horizontal  lines in in an image can help to create impact and help lead a viewers eye thru the image.  

Future challenges include:                                                                                            
            February 19 – High Key
            February 26 – Reflections
            March 4 – Low Light/Night
            March 11 – Bokeh
            March 18 – Food
            March 25 – Abstract
            April 1 – Black & White 

All images © Paul E Blackburn. All rights reserved.

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